Tuesday 9 April 2019

Untraditional Goals

Spring has finally arrived in the US. It’s taken its sweet time getting here, too. And while I’m still not a fan of the weather going from 72 to 25 and snowing in a matter of three days, I’m still thankful that mostly fair weather has arrived.

It’s this time of year that gets me to pondering life the most, though. While that frame of mind is usually reserved for Fall and Winter (the “dying” and “dead” seasons of the year), I tend to think more about my place in the world when it’s spring simply because it’s the season of rebirth and life.

It’s not a melancholy sort of thought that crosses my mind but rather a pensive one. I find myself contemplating if I’m on the right path for myself and what I want out of the life I have. Typically, the answer to that question is yes. I just want to keep me, myself, and I in check when the season of renewal rolls around. It’s almost as if it’s my version of the new year since I have so much ahead of me from spring onwards.

I find it pretty introspective to sit down and have these thoughts, though. Being able to pinpoint what it is I want out of this next year (and life in general) is quite healthy for me and those close to me. While I’m not much of a goal setter in the way of writing a check list down, I definitely do envision tasks or things to accomplish throughout the year. I find it to be more productive to handle these sorts of things in this manner simply because not meeting a goal on a checklist can be pretty deflating and demoralizing whereas telling myself I’ll accomplish a few things this year and striving to do that makes me feel better when I actually do tackle it and not as crappy when I don’t.

This year, I really only had a few goals in mind for myself. The first and most important absolutely will happen, and that’s becoming engaged. It’s time, and both my partner and I realize that. From there, I really was wanting to nail down a life insurance policy while I’m still young, healthy, and single. This is all because I realize that life insurance spikes when you have kids, aren’t in great health, and are no longer single.

Ultimately, it comes down to knowing yourself well enough to set the right goals, not grand goals. And just as well, if you’re not giving yourself reachable goals that make sense for who you are, you’re just going down the wrong path in the first place.

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